List of schedules
Schedule 1. Population of Russia dynamics in three forecast variants in 2011-2031, ths people
Schedule 2. Dynamics of actual disposable money income of the population and annual rate of their growth in 2000-2013, %
Schedule 3. Dynamics of constant Moscow population number in 2000-2014* (as of 01.11.2013), mln people
Schedule 4. Dynamics of average monthly salary of the resident of Moscow by years in 2003-2013*, ths rubles
Schedule 5. Average money incomes of Moscow population in 2009-2013, ths rubles
Schedule 6. Share of expenses of Moscow residents for eating out in 2000-2013*, %
Schedule 7. Dynamics of the number of constant Saint Petersburg populationin 2011-2014* (as of 01.01.2014), mln people
Schedule 8. Dynamics of the number of constant residents of Leningrad Region in 2000-2014* (as of 01.01.2014), mln people
Schedule 9. Dynamics of average monthly salary of the resident Saint Petersburg by years in 2002-2013, ths rubles
Schedule 10. Average money incomes of Saint Petersburg population in 2007-2012, ths rubles
Schedule 11. Share of expeses for caterig services in total volume of expenses for services in 2004-2012*, %
Schedule 12. Dynamics of Russian public catering market turnover in RF and per capita in 2003-2013
Schedule 13. Dynamics of Russian public catering market by quarters in 2007-2013, billion rubles
Schedule 14. Food products retailing turnover in some countries of Europe in 2012, billion dollars
Schedule 15. Share of public catering expenses by rating of several countries of Europe in 2012, %
Schedule 16. Dynamics of Russian public catering turnover in largest federal districts of RF in 2011-2013, mln rubles
Schedule 17. Dynamics of Russian public catering turnover in main regions of RF in 2011-2013, mln rubles
Schedule 18. Dynamics of Moscow public catering market turnover in 2009-2013, billion rubles
Schedule 19. Dynamics of Saint Petersburg public catering market turnover in 2009-2013, billion rubles
Schedule 20. Change of Saint Petersburg share in RF public catering turnover in 2009-2013, %
Schedule 21. Public catering turnover in million-strong cities of RF in 2011, billion rubles
Schedule 22. Per capita public catering turnover in million-strong cities of RF in 2011, ths rubles/person
Schedule 23. Residents visiting fast food facilities, street food and canteens in 2011, % respondents visiting public catering facilities during the past half of the year
Schedule 24. Residents visiting public catering facilities of different formats in 2011, % respondents visiting public catering facilities during the past half of the year
Schedule 25. Average expenses in public catering facilities in different regions of the world in 2007, 2012 and forecast for 2017, dollar/person
Schedule 26. Rating of changes, which Russians want to see in restaurats, cafes and bars in 2013, %
Schedule 27. Most attended public catering networks in cities of Russiain 2012, %
Schedule 28. Most attended democratic restaurants networks in Moscow and Moscow Region in 2012, %
Schedule 29. Dynamics of public catering enterprises number of Moscow in 2009-2013, ths facilities
Schedule 30. Dynamics of seats number on public catering facilities of Moscow in 2007-2013 (as of 01.10.2013) as per 1 thousand residents
Schedule 31. Seats number on public catering facilities Moscow by AD in 2013 as per 1 thousand residents
Schedule 32. Rating of Moscow districts by seats number in 2013 (as of 01.10.2013) per 1 thousand residents
Schedule 33. Structure of public catering facilities of Moscow by type of cuisine in the beginning of 2014, units
Schedule 34. Dynamics of public catering enterprises number in Saint Petersburg in 2009-2013, units
Schedule 35. Seats number on public catering facilities Saint Petersburg by districts in 2013 as per 1 thousand residents
Schedule 36. Satisfaction of the population with public catering facilities number in districts of Saint Petersburg in 2011-2013, %
Schedule 37. Rating of provision with public catering facilities of different types (share of positive responds on the question of this of that type shortage) in 2011-2013, %
Schedule 38. Detailed structure of public catering facilities by types of facilities in Saint Petersburg in June 2014, %
Schedule 39. Structure of public catering facilities of Saint Petersburg by type of cuisine in June 2014, units
Schedule 40. Structure of restaurants and cafes of Saint Petersburg by average bill size in June 2014, %
Schedule 41. Dynamics of public catering market volume in 2007-2013, billion rubles
Schedule 42. Catering market volume in 2010-2013 and forecast for 2014-2016, billion rubles
List of diagrams
Diagram 1. Structure of the population distribution in administrative districts of Moscow Region as of January, 1 in 2000-2013, mln people
Diagram 2. Structure of Saint Petersburg population distribution by districts in 2013, %
Diagram 3. Relation of Russian residents to eating-out, as to an expensive event,in 2012, %
Diagram 4. Change of structure of Russian public catering turnover by federal districts in 2011-2013, %
Diagram 5. Change of regional structure of public catering market turnover in 2009-2013, %
Diagram 6. Change of Moscow share in Russian public catering turnover in 2009-2013, %
Diagram 7. Structure of working Russian population nutrition organization while working day, %
Diagram 8. Dynamics of open network public catering enterprises share in structure of public catering enterprises of Moscow in 2011 – 2013, %
Diagram 9. Structure of Moscow public catering market by types of facilities in 2013, %
Diagram 10. Detailed structure of public catering facilities by types of facilities in Moscow in the beginning of 2014, %
Diagram 11. Structure of restaurants and cafes Moscow by average bill size in June 2014, %
Diagram 12. Structure of public catering structure by districts by number of enterprises in 2011, %
Diagram 13. Structure of catering companies by regions of RF in June 2014, %
Diagram 14. Share of accredited companies on «CATERING PROFESSIONAL» program in total number of catering companies of RF in June 2014, %
Diagram 15. Segmentation of RF catering companies by the main types of provided services in June 2014,%
Diagram 16. Share of accredited companies on «CATERING PROFESSIONAL» program in total number of Moscow catering companies in June 2014, %
Diagram 17. Segmentation of Moscow catering companies by the main types of provided services in June 2014,%
Diagram 18. Structure of Moscow catering companies by the maximum number of visitors at events service (at banquet event) in June 2014, %
Diagram 19. Structure of catering companies Moscow by the maximum number of visitors at events service (at cocktail dinner event) in June 2014, %
Diagram 20. Segmentation of Saint Petersburg catering companies by the main types of provided services in June 2014,%
Diagram 21. Structure of catering companies Saint Petersburg by the maximum number of visitors at events service (at banquet event) in June 2014, %
Diagram 22. Structure of catering companies Saint Petersburg by the maximum number of visitors at events service (at cocktail dinner event) in June 2014, %
Diagram 23. Segmentation of RF regions catering companies (without Moscow and Saint Petersburg) by the main types of provided services in June 2014,%
List of tables
Table 1. Number of the largest RF regions population in 2000-2010 and forecast for 2010-2020
Table 2. Average money incomes in regions of RF in 2011-2012, rubles
Table 3. Number of population of the largest Russian cities according to the Census of 2010 and January 1, 2013, ths people
Table 4. Average monthly salary of Moscow resident in general and in cafes and restaurants by years in 2003-2013*, rubles
Table 5. Average money incomes of Moscow population by months in 2009-2013, rubles
Table 6. Average monthly salary of Saint Petersburg resident in general and in cafes and restaurants by years in 2002-2013, rubles
Table 7. Rating of several European countries by families expenses for food, alcohol and tobacco, restaurants and cafes, hotels, leisure and culture in 2012, %
Table 8. Eating-out expenses by regions of RF in 2009-2011 rub
Table 9. Public catering turnover in federal districts in 2009-2013, mln rubles
Table 10. Volumes of public catering market turnover in regions of RF in 2009-2012\3, mln rubles
Table 11. Dynamics of restaurats, cantees and bars proceeds (besides taxes, excises etc.) in Moscow in 2009-2013, mln rubles
Table 12. Shares of million-strong cities in total RF population and in total RF public catering enterprises turnover in 2011, %
Table 13. Availability of public catering objects by RF districts and regions as of beginning of 2012
Table 14. Number of cafe and restaurants in largest RF cities as of February 2013
Table 15. Dynamics of public catering enterprises number of Moscow in 2011-2013, objects
Table 16. Dynamics of seats number on public catering facilities of Moscow by administrative districts in 2010-2013 as per 1 thousand residents
Table 17. Number of largest catering companies in RF cities in June 2014
Table 18. Moscow catering companies in June 2014
Table 19. Saint Petersburg catering companies in June 2014
Table 20. Catering companies in several regions of RF in June 2014
Table 21. Range of food sets of «ESP» JSC company in 2014